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  The Valley Hide

An Underground Hide at Mashatu

The Valley Hide is set in a far more arid environment to the Matebole Hide, and is enclosed by ridges on either side. The valley system channels the elephants walking to their feeding areas right past the hide. Water is sparse in this region, making it an almost essential drinking stop over spot for the elephants, especially in the drier months.

Target mammal species: Elephant, Giraffe, Eland, Zebra, Impala, Steenbok, wildebeest.
Target bird species: Golden-breasted Bunting, Red- Billed Quelea, Mouse Birds, Finches, Green- winged Pytillia, Long Tailed Paradise Whydah.
Drive time from lodge: 20 minutes from Main Camp, 30 minutes from Tent Camp.
Recommended lenses: Wide angle 12-70mm, 70-200 and up to 500mm.


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Khamab Kalahari Photo Workshop
09 September 2024 - 13 September 2024

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