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  The Matebole Underground Hide

An underground extravaganza

At a waterhole, a whole hide has been sunk into the ground in prime elephant habitat. Inside, you are seated so that your head is at ground level. Everything you see will be from the perspective of lying on your stomach looking upwards. The hide is a strong metal structure and totally elephant proof so you can watch and photograph in total ease as the animals go about their business.

The Matebole Hide is located in an ecotone between mopane grasslands and the thicker central game viewing region of Mashatu. This unique combination of these two habitat types creates a wide diversity of bird and mammal species which reside this area. Elephants in this region migrate daily in the dryer season, heading north in the evenings to feed and south in the mornings. The Matebole Hide is situated along these main daily migratory routes, making their visits to the hide very frequent.

Target mammal species: Elephant, Kudu, Impala, Baboon, Eland, Vervet Monkey.
Target bird species: Waxbills, Mayer's parrots, African Green Pigeon, Firefinches, Guineafowl.
Location: Moddergat, just below Beacon Hill.
Drive time from lodge: 25 minutes drive from Main camp and Tent Camp.
Recommended lenses: Wide angle 12-70mm, 70-200 and up to 500mm.


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09 September 2024 - 13 September 2024

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